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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Tuesday, October 8, 2002
EVENT: Colorado: Denver Metro 5A State Qualifying 
       Round, Northglenn (5 Star Stadium)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

84.70 Pomona
82.70 Northglenn
82.15 Douglas County
77.00 Chatfield
75.80 Arapahoe
75.30 Ponderosa
72.60 Cherry Creek
72.10 Columbine
70.45 Arvada
68.00 Dakota Ridge
65.65 Smoky Hill
64.55 Thorton
63.80 Beak Creek
61.05 Heritage
57.75 Doherty
55.60 Arvada West
55.45 Horizon
52.20 Overland
50.25 Rangeview
49.95 Highlands Ranch
49.50 Eaglecrest
40.55 Standley Lake
30.00 Palmer
27.60 Aurora Central

Thanks to Justin Mathis for this information.

DATE: Tuesday, October 8, 2002
EVENT: Utah: Rocky Mountain Marching Band Festival, 
       Provo (Brigham Young University)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class B
64.60 Weber (Perc, DM)
62.10 Roy (Aux)
58.05 Ogden

Class A
85.95 Timpview (Perc, Aux, DM)
72.05 Mt. Crest
71.48 Riverton

Open Class
86.25 American Fork (Perc)
80.25 Skyview
80.15 Lone Peak (DM)
79.60 Davis (Aux)

Thanks to James Ellison for this information.

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