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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Sunday, October 6, 2002
EVENT: New Jersey: Tournament of Bands, 
       Matawan (Matawan HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
74.10 Red Bank Catholic HS, NJ

Group II
84.45 Middle Township HS (Cape May Courthouse), NJ
82.50 Governor Livingston HS (Berkeley Heights), NJ
75.65 Jefferson Township HS (Oakridge), NJ
70.85 East Brunswick HS, NJ

Group III
79.25 Old Bridge HS, NJ

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Sunday, October 6, 2002
EVENT: Wisconsin: Merrill Invitational, 
       Merrill (Merrill HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

(Scores based on 60 possible points)

38.00 West De Pere (Guard, Perc)
35.47 Marathon (Spirit)
34.45 St. Croix Falls

Class AA
45.35 Cumberland (Guard)
45.15 Fort Atkinson (Perc)
41.02 Sauk Prairie
32.97 Antigo

Class AAA
44.75 Menomonie
43.47 River Falls (Perc)
42.47 Wausau East (Perc, Guard)
38.33 D. C. Everest (Spirit)

Class AAAA
48.52 Waukesha West (Perc, Guard)
43.73 Chippewa Falls 
37.75 Beloit Memorial

Thanks to Julie Cummins for this information.

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