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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Sunday, October 14, 2001
EVENT: New Jersey: Tournament of Bands, 
       Berkeley Heights (Governor Livingston HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
79.45 Norristown Area HS, Pa.
79.35 Matawan HS, NJ
75.00 Red Bank Catholic HS, NJ

Group II
79.40 Jefferson Township HS (Oakridge), NJ

Group III
83.55 Old Bridge HS, NJ

Thanks to Jon Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Sunday, October 14, 2001
EVENT: New York: NYSFBC Competition, 
       LaGrangeville (Arlington HS)
JUDGING BY: NY State Federation of Contest Judges

Small School: D3
78.01 Deer Park HS, NY

Large School: D3
85.21 Copiague HS, NY
80.41 East Ramapo HS (Spring Valley, NY)
79.59 Mahopac HS, NY

Small School: D2
85.89 Mohonasen HS (Rotterdam, NY)

National Division
95.75 Arlington HS (Lagrangeville, NY)
93.56 Newtown HS (Sandy Hook, NJ)

Ramsey HS, NJ

Thanks to Matthew Benton for this information.

DATE: Sunday, October 14, 2001
EVENT: Pennyslvania: Tournament of Bands, 
       Dallas (Dallas Area HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
88.40 Pittston Area HS, Pa.
86.70 Lake Lehman HS (Lehman), Pa.

Group II
90.40 Middle Township HS (Cape May Courthouse), NJ
82.25 Wyoming Area HS (Exeter), Pa.
78.70 Coughlin HS (Wilkes-Barre), Pa.

Group III
68.95 Meyers HS (Wilkes-Barre), Pa.

Group IV
73.95 Wyoming Valley West HS (Plymouth), Pa.

Thanks to Jon Armstrong for this information.

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