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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Monday, October 8, 2001
EVENT: Colorado: Colorado Bandmasters Association 
       4A/5A Metro Regionals, Littleton (Littleton HS)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class 3A
65.20 Ralston Valley
65.10 D'Evelyn
61.00 Sheridan
54.40 Elizabeth

Class 4A
82.20 Green Mountain
79.85 Ponderosa
71.35 Dakota Ridge
67.25 Lakewood
66.80 Wheatridge
66.35 Conifer
64.40 Englewood
62.30 Gateway
61.65 Chaparral
58.25 Golden
54.55 Broomfield
39.50 Littleton
35.85 Hinkley
26.55 Centaurus

Thanks to Justin Mathis for this information.

DATE: Monday, October 8, 2001
EVENT: New York: Binghamton Columbus Day 
       Tournament of Bands Parade, Binghamton
JUDGING BY: NY State Federation of Contest Judges

Class A
1 Vestal HS, NY
2 Johnson City HS, NY (Drum Major)
3 Union-Endicott HS, NY (Front)

Class B
1 Oneida HS, NY (Front)
2 Whitney Point HS, NY
3 Harpursville HS, NY
Susquehanna Valley HS (Conklin), NY (Drum Major)

Class C
1 Deposit HS, NY
2 Northeast Bradford HS (Rome), Pa. (Drum Major, Front)
3 Williamson HS (Tioga), Pa.

Participation awards
Binghamton HS, NY
Afton HS, NY

Thanks to Jon Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Monday, October 8, 2001
EVENT: Texas: J. W. Nixon/Laredo Marching Band 
       Festival, Laredo (Sherley Stadium)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

Class 5A
1 Laredo United (Horn Line, Guard)
2 Laredo R&T Martin (Drum Major)
3 Laredo J. B. Alexander (Perc, Soloist, GE)

Thanks to Joey Solis for this information.

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