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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Wednesday, August 11, 1999
EVENT: Indiana: Indiana State Fair Band Day, 
       Indianapolis (Indiana State Fair)
JUDGING BY: Central States Judges Association

89.95 Franklin Central
84.20 Jay County
75.75 Muncie Southside
75.05 Martinsville
74.65 Pike
73.95 Centerville
71.30 Anderson
67.40 Concord - tie
67.40 Northeastern - tie
66.30 Richmond
64.80 Hagertown
64.65 Marion
64.60 Indian Creek
63.30 Southmont
62.80 Noblesville
58.45 Knightstown

Thanks to Angie Bye for this information.

DATE: Saturday, August 21, 1999
EVENT: Kentucky: Kentucky State Fair Marching 
       Band Festival, Louisville
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A-1
1. St. Xavier
2. Bardstown (Guard,DM)
3. Perry Central, IN

Class A-2
1. Ryle
2. Jeffersontown (Guard)
3. West Washington, IN (DM)

Class A-3
1. West Jessamine (Guard,DM)
2. Lewis County
3. Monroe County

Class AA
1. Calloway County
2. Lawrence County (Guard,DM)
3. Garrard County

Class AAA
1. Harrison County (Guard,DM)
2. Central Hardin
3. LaSalle, OH
4. Holmes

Class AAAA
1. Floyd Central, IN (Guard,DM)

BOESSER AWARD (Best Attitude and Spirit):
Calloway County
GRAND CHAMPION: Harrison County

Thanks to Gerald Johnson for this information.

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