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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Friday, July 2, 1999
EVENT: Wisconsin: Fox River Invitational (MACBDA), 
       Waukesha (Waukesha West HS)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A
66.1 Edmonton Crusaders - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
62.4 Dakota Marching Indians - Dakota, IL
55.4 Lake Band - Milwaukee, WI
55.1 North Battleford Kinsmen - North Battleford, SK, Canada

Class AA
69.6 Rocori Spartan Marching Band - Cold Spring, MN

Class AAA
86.1 Sound of Sun Prairie - Sun Prairie, WI
81.8 Pride of the Lions - Regina, SK, Canada
77.4 Brigade of Racine - Racine, WI
73.0 Crimson Express - Murphysboro, IL
72.8 Warren Jr. Military Band - Youngstown, OH

Thanks to Robin Martin for this information.

DATE: Monday, July 5, 1999
EVENT: Wisconsin: Whitewater Band Rally (MACBDA), 
       Whitewater (Perkins Stadium)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A
71.9 Edmonton Crusaders - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
70.1 Dakota Marching Indians - Dakota, IL
60.9 North Battleford Kinsmen - North Battleford, SK, Canada

Class AA
71.9 Rocori Spartan Marching Band - Cold Spring, MN

Class AAA
90.1 Sound of Sun Prairie - Sun Prairie, WI
85.8 Pride of the Lions - Regina, SK, Canada
79.6 Brigade of Racine - Racine, WI
75.6 Warren Jr. Military Band - Youngstown, OH

Thanks to Robin Martin for this information.

DATE: Friday, July 9, 1999
EVENT: Michigan: MACBDA Circuit Championships, 
       Traverse City
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A
73.4 Edmonton Crusaders - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
69.9 Dakota Marching Indians - Dakota, IL
63.3 North Battleford Kinsmen - North Battleford, SK, Canada
59.9 Lake Band - Milwaukee, WI

Class AA
74.2 Rocori Spartan Marching Band - Cold Spring, MN
65.6 Hibbing Blue Jackets - Hibbing, MN

Class AAA
90.8 Sound of Sun Prairie - Sun Prairie, WI
87.0 Pride of the Lions - Regina, SK, Canada
83.0 Brigade of Racine - Racine, WI
80.2 Oregon High School - Oregon, WI
79.9 Warren Jr. Military Band - Youngstown, OH
76.2 Crimson Express - Murphysboro, IL

Thanks to Robin Martin for this information.

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