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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: California: Band Spectacular, Simi Valley

Class C
70.55 Newbury Park (Guard, Perc)
65.7 Nordhoff

Class B
73.3 Saugus
66.9 Oxnard (Guard, Perc)

Class A
78.95 John Burroughs (Guard)
73.65 William S. Hart
71.65 Palmdale (Perc)

Open Class
76.55 Golden West
75.95 Bakersfield (Perc)

Guard - 71.6 Saugus
Percussion - 80.0 John Burroughs
Music - 359.5 Bakersfield
Band - 79.15 Centennial (also 1st place Guard, Open)

Thanks to Mike Gangemi for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: California: Mater Dei Competition, 
       Costa Mesa (Orange Coast College)

CLASS A-60 Band
65.50 Ramona (Guard)

CLASS A-90 Band
7?.?? Peninsula (Guard, GE, M&M, Music-tie)
53.75 Orange (Perc, Music-tie)

65.15 Capistrano Valley (Guard, Perc, GE-tie, M&M, Music)
63.55 Katella (GE-tie)
63.35 Aliso Niguel 

83.25 Etiwanda (M&M-tie)
81.50 Mission Viejo (Perc, Music)
79.35 Upland 

Sweepstakes - 83.8 Thousand Oaks (Guard, GE, M&M-tie)

Thanks to Robert R. for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: California: Preview of Champions (WSMBC), 
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

67.45 Moreau Catholic (Music, Visual, GE, Guard)
65.45 Merced Marching 100
58.80 Riverbank (Perc)
55.35 Ceres (DM)
54.45 Davis

63.35 Modesto (Music, GE, DM)
60.75 Atascadero (Visual, Auxiliary, Perc)
55.55 Atwater

79.80 Live Oak (Music, Visual, GE, Auxiliary, Perc, DM)
70.15 Hoover

79.75 Beyer (All captions)
63.35 Hanford

Sweepstakes - Live Oak

Thanks to Jon Schmid for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Connecticut: USSBA Circuit Contest, 
       Waterford (Waterford HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

66.10 New London HS, Ct.

76.00 South Hadley HS, Ma.
71.20 Montville HS

82.60 King Philip HS, Ma.

78.90 Norwich Free Academy, Ct.
77.90 Cheshire HS, Ct.
76.90 Blackstone-Millville HS, Ma.
74.20 Cranston East HS, RI
71.80 Lyman Hall HS

79.80 Southington HS, Ct.
73.90 Fitch HS

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Delaware: Tournament of Bands, 
       Wilmington (Brandywine HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group II
80.75 Glasgow HS, De.
78.25 Fallston HS, Md.
75.95 McKean HS (Wilmington), De.
75.35 Salesianum HS (Wilmington), De.
74.30 Mt. Pleasant HS, De.
72.10 Chichester HS, Pa.

Group III
85.85 Penns Manor HS, Pa.
80.60 William Penn HS, De.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Delaware: Tournament of Bands, 
       Wilmington (Salesianum HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
86.20 Henderson HS (West Chester), Pa.
82.65 Hammonton HS, NJ
72.55 Gloucester City HS, NJ
72.50 Northeast HS, Md.
65.75 Kent County HS, Md.

Group II
76.85 Fallston HS, Md.
76.70 McKean HS (Wilmington), De. -tie
76.70 Dickinson HS, De. - tie
76.35 Bridgeton HS, NJ
75.30 Christiana HS, De.
72.80 Elkton HS, Md.
65.65 Delcastle HS, De.

Group III
84.35 William Penn HS, De.

Group IV
78.05 Newark HS, De.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Florida: Bands of America Regional, 
       Orlando (Citrus Bowl)

Class A
75.05 Bassett HS, VA (Music, Visual, GE)
57.05 The Kings Academy HS, FL
Class AA
86.15 Tarpon Springs HS, FL (Music, Visual, GE)
65.45 Tuscola HS, NC
64.40 Haines City HS, FL
62.30 Tavares HS
54.85 Lecanto HS
Class AAA
81.25 Cypress Creek HS, FL (Music, Visual-tie, GE)
80.05 Seminole HS, FL
77.45 East Lake HS, FL (Visual-tie)
75.90 John I. Leonard HS, FL (Visual-tie)
71.80 South Miami HS, FL
70.60 Santaluces Community HS, FL
70.55 Lake Howell, FL
70.35 Miami Coral Park HS, FL
69.60 G. Holmes Braddock HS
66.40 Hialeah HS
65.40 Largo HS
57.55 Lake Worth
56.00 Belleview HS
54.55 St. Cloud
Heavy rains moved over the Citrus Bowl after six of the ten 
finalist bands had performed. The Regional Finals were delayed 
and finally canceled. Prelims scores for those bands not 
performing Saturday night were used to determine placement awards. 
Finals captions were not awarded.

86.15 Tarpon Springs H.S., FL 
81.25 Cypress Creek H.S., FL 
80.05 Seminole H.S., FL 
77.45 East Lake H.S., FL 
75.90 John I. Leonard H.S., FL 
75.05 Bassett H.S., VA 
71.80 South Maimi H.S., FL
70.60 Santaluces Community H.S., FL 
70.55 Lake Howell H.S., FL 
70.35 Miami Coral Park H.S., FL 

Thanks to Quincy Nguyen for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Indiana: ISSMA District Marching Contest, 
       Center Grove HS
JUDGING BY: Central States Judges Association

Class B
Div I - Northview (Marching, Aux, GE)
Div I - Greenwood (Music)
Div I - Avon, Indianapolis
Div I - Plainfield
Div I - Moorsville

Event was held on parking lot due to rain.

Thanks to Craig Harmon for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Indiana: ISSMA District Marching Contest, 
JUDGING BY: Central States

CLASS D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Div I - North Posey
Div II - Perry Central
Div II - Wood Memorial
Div I - Springs Valley (Guard)
Div I - Southridge
Div I - Forest Park
Div I - Paoli (Music, Marching, GE)
Div I - South Spencer
Div II - Northeast Dubois

CLASS D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Div I - Heritage Hills
Div I - North Harrison (Music)
Div I - Pike Central
Div I - Corydon Central
Div I - Mt. Vernon
Div I - Princeton
Div I - Gibson Southern (Marching, Guard, GE)
Div I - Washington
Div I - Bosse
Div II - Reitz Memorial
Div I - Tell City
Div I - Mater Dei

CLASS B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Div I - Evansville North
Div I - Boonville
Div I - Jasper (Music, Marching, GE, Guard)
Div I - Vincennes Lincoln

CLASS B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Div I - Evansville Central
Div I - F.J. Reitz (Marching, GE, Guard)
Div I - Castle (Music)
Div I - Harrison

Thanks to Simply Instrumental for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Indiana: ISSMA District Marching Contest, 
       Lawrence Central 
JUDGING BY: Central States Judges Association

Western Boone       52.10   Div II 
Blue River Valley   61.10   Div I (Music)
Morristown          56.75   Div I
Sheridan            60.20   Div I (Visual)
Triton Central      56.35   Div I
North Putnam        54.50   Div I (Guard)
Fountain Central    58.85   Div I

Bishop Chatard      50.30   Div II	
Zionsville          59.40   Div I
North Montgomery    56.25   Div I
Eastern Hancock     47.20   Div II
Westfield           59.20   Div I
New Palestine       71.00   Div I (Guard, Visual, GE, Music)
Lebanon             58.95   Div I

New Castle Chrysler 73.10   Div I (Music)
Cathedral           62.85   Div I
Greenfield          68.60   Div I (Guard)
Brownsburg          70.35   Div I (Visual, GE)

Hamilton Southeastern 69.70   Div I
Warren Central      76.20   Div I
Carmel              80.55   Div I (Music, GE, Guard)
Lawrence Central    80.25   Div I (Visual)
Lawrence North      72.55   Div I

Thanks to Richard Quinttus for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Indiana: ISSMA District Marching Contest, 
       Walton (Lewis Cass HS)
JUDGING BY: Central States Judges Association

62.30 Div I  Taylor (Music)
62.20 Div I  Pioneer (Visual, GE)
60.40 Div I  Eastern
60.20 Div I  Tri-County (Guard)
59.55 Div I  Clinton Prairie
56.50 Div I  Winamac
49.45 Div II North Miami
44.95 Div II Clinton Central 

78.15 Div I  Lewis Cass (Music, Visual, GE)
69.70 Div I  Twin Lakes (Guard)
59.65 Div I  Rensselear Central

57.50 Div II Logansport (Music, GE, Guard)
56.05 Div II Highland (Visual)
53.15 Div II Kankakee Valley
50.15 Div II Hobart

81.85 Div I  Lafayette Jefferson (Music, GE, Guard)
79.50 Div I  Chesterton (Visual)
74.95 Div I  Kokomo
72.05 Div I  Crown Point
71.80 Div I  Wm. H. Harrison

Thanks to Jeff Sterrett and [email protected] for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Iowa: Algona Band Day Festival, Algona
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class 1A
54.30 North Kossuth, IA
45.20 LeMars Gehlen, IA

Class 2A
62.50 Garner Hayfield, IA
58.50 Bishop Garrigan, IA
55.20 West Hancock, IA

Class 3A
79.00 Algona, IA
76.90 Crestwood, IA
63.10 Cherokee - Washington, IA
63.00 Forest City, IA
60.10 LeMars, IA
60.00 Sheldon, IA

Class 4A
87.50 Blaine,MN
74.90 Elk River, MN
69.90 Fort Dodge, IA

Best Horns - Blaine
Best Drums - Algona
Best Auxiliary - Algona
Best Marching - Blaine
Best Drum Major(s) - Elk River
Grand Champion - Blaine

Thanks to Brian A. Johnson for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Kentucky: Dixie Heights Invitational, 
       Dixie Heights HS
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

CLASS A1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Lloyd (Perc, Guard)
2 Dayton (Field commander)

CLASS A2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Beechwood* (perc, guard, field commander)
2 Williamstown
CLASS AA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Grant Co.* (perc, guard, field commander)
2 Madison Central*
3 Scott

CLASS AAA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 Elizebethtown* (perc, guard, field commander)
2 Indian Hill*(OH) 
3 Holmes 
4 Simon Kenton

1 Boone Co.* (guard, perc)
2 Tates Creek (field commander)
3 Campbell Co.

Due to weather conditions, final placements were determined 
by prelim scores.

1 Elizabethtown
2 Grant Co. (Guard, Field Commander)
3 Boone Co. (Perc)
4 Madison Central
5 Beechwood
6 Indian Hill
7 Lloyd
8 Tates Creek

* denotes distinguished rating

Thanks to B. Brown for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Kentucky: Hancock Co. Invitational, 
       Hancock Co. HS
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A: 
1. Paducah Tilghman* (Field Commander, Perc)
2. Dawson Springs * (Guard)

Class AA
1. Lyon Co.* (Guard, Field Commander, Perc)
2. Owensboro* 
3. Owensboro Catholic

Class AAA
91.9 Daviess Co.* (Perc)
90.6 Apollo*
3. Christian Co.* (Guard, Field Commander)

Grand Champion Class A/AA: Lyon Co.
Grand Champion Class AAA/AAAA: Daviess Co. 

* Denotes Distinguished Rating

Thanks to Josh Marx for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Kentucky: Reidland Invitational, Reidland HS
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A: 
89.8 Trigg Co.* (Guard, Percussion)
2. Mayfield (Field Commander)
3. Union Co.
4. Livingston Central

Class AA
90.2 Murray* (Field Commander, Percussion)
89.7 Lone Oak* (Guard)
3. Heath
4. Ballard Memorial

Class AAA
84.8 Caldwell Co.* ( All Captions)

Grand Champion: Murray

* Denotes Distinguished Rating

Thanks to [email protected] for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Maryland: Tournament of Bands, 
       Waldorf (Thomas Stone HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
80.65 Lackey (Perc,DM,Aux)
69.90 West Lake
68.70 Calvert Hall

Group 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
80.90 La Plata
80.20 Northern
79.90 Leonardstown (Perc,Aux)
76.65 Arundel
75.50 McDonough
73.45 Great Mills

Group 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
75.20 Patuxent (Perc,DM,Aux)

Group 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
82.25 Severna Park (Perc,DM,Aux)

Thanks to Dale Rider for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Maryland: Tournament of Bands, 
       Federalsburg (Colonel Richardson HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
81.15 Colonel Richardson HS (Federalsburg), Md.
71.35 Granby HS, Va.

Group II
80.75 Leonardtown HS, Md.
80.35 LaPLata HS, Md.
80.20 Anapolis Christian HS, Md.
69.00 Old Mill HS, Md.

Group III
76.95 Seaford HS, De.
76.20 Parkside HS (Salisbury), Md.
75.35 Pauxent HS, Md.
65.55 Meade HS

Group IV
82.75 Caesar Rodney HS (Camden), De.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Maryland: Tournament of Bands, 
       Westminster (Westminster HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

79.80 Hanover HS, Pa. (Perc)
74.05 Chesapeake HS, Md. (DM,Aux)

81.80 South Carroll HS (Sykesville), Md. (DM,Aux)
80.90 Walkersville HS, Md. (Perc)
76.45 Long Reach HS,Md.
74.00 Brunswick HS, Md.
73.90 Middletown HS, Md.

89.05 Liberty HS (Eldersburg), Md. (Perc,DM,Aux)
80.30 Governor Thomas Johnson HS, Md.

90.75 Westminster (exhibition)
80.15 North Hagerstown HS, Md. (Perc,DM,Aux)
79.15 Boonsboro HS, Md.
76.25 Quince Orchard HS, Md.
75.55 Calvert Hall HS, Md.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong and Dale Rider for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Maryland: USSBA Circuit Contest, 
       Centreville (Queen Anne's County HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

64.80 North Harford HS, Md.

73.10 Wicomico HS, Md.

77.50 Atholton HS, Md.
63.10 Highland Regional HS

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New Jersey: Tournament of Bands, 
       Sewell, (Washington Twp HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
72.90 Pennsville

Group 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
82.75 Triton
79.95 Deptford
79.80 Audubon
77.80 Overbrook
75.60 Delsea
75.25 Sterling
71.40 Cumberland Regional

Group 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
86.75 Brandywine
83.55 Absegami
83.00 Bensalem
69.75 Williamstown

Group 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
84.65 Clearview
84.05 Washington Twp (exhibition)
82.65 Upper Darby

Thanks to Dale Rider for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New Jersey: USSBA Circuit Contest, 
       Blairstown (North Warren HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

71.00 Lenape Valley HS, NJ
66.00 Manville HS, NJ

77.20 Delaware Valley HS, NJ
75.30 Jefferson Township HS, NJ
73.20 Hackettstown HS, NJ

78.90 Morristown HS, NJ
78.20 North Hunterdon HS, NJ

86.40 Roxbury HS, NJ
84.80 Hanover Park HS, NJ
78.70 Wayne Valley HS, NJ

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New Jersey: USSBA Circuit Contest, 
       Burlington (Burlington City HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

70.60 Florence Township HS, NJ
65.80 Holy Cross HS, NJ

72.90 Msgr. Farrell HS
70.80 Vineland HS, NJ

74.60 Lenape HS, NJ
72.50 Rancocas Valley Hs, NJ

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New Jersey: USSBA Circuit Contest, 
       South Brunswick (South Brunswick HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

69.60 Cherry Hill West HS, NJ
62.90 Shore Regional HS, NJ
62.60 North Brunswick HS, NJ
58.40 Wood-Ridge HS, NJ

75.10 Northern Burlington HS, NJ
74.50 Linden HS, NJ
73.10 Mount Olive HS, NJ
70.60 Hicksville HS, NY

76.60 West Windsor-Plainsboro HS, NJ
73.90 Mainland HS, NJ
71.90 Carteret HS, NJ

79.10 JP Stevens HS (Edison), NJ
78.00 Pennsauken HS, NJ

81.80 Piscataway HS, NJ

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New Jersey: USSBA Circuit Contest, 
       Manalapan (Manalapan HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

72.40 Point Pleasant HS, NJ
79.80 Lakewood HS, NJ

74.10 Sayreville HS, NJ
66.40 Manchester HS, NJ

79.10 Brick Memorial HS, NJ
76.40 East Brunswick HS, NJ

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New York: New York State Field Band Conference, 
       Auburn (Auburn HS)
JUDGING BY: NY State Federation of Contest Judges

73.72 Marcus Whitman Central School (Rushville), NY
66.18 Homer Central School, NY
62.41 Binghamton HS, NY
61.90 Westmoreland Central School, NY

78.17 Norwich HS, NY

85.02 New Hartford HS, NY
84.85 Horseheads HS, NY
83.13 Auburn HS, NY
71.83 Union-Endicott HS, NY

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New York: New York State Field Band Conference,
       Camillus (West Genesee HS)
JUDGING BY: NY State Federation of Contest Judges

76.11 Baldwinsville HS, NY
75.17 Phoenix HS, NY
74.40 Central Square HS, NY

82.11 Jordan-Elbridge Central School, NY
81.42 East Syracuse-Minoa HS, NY

89.91 Cicero-North Syracuse HS, NY
88.49 Liverpool HS, NY
85.79 Oswego HS, NY

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New York: New York State Field Band Conference, 
       Orchard Park (Orchard Park HS)
JUDGING BY: NY State Federation of Contest Judges

69.19 West Seneca West HS, NY
67.29 Northwestern HS (Albion), Pa.
67.21 Lancaseter HS, NY
63.60 Frewsburg HS, NY
61.30 Falconer HS, NY

79.20 Southwestern HS, NY

81.42 Orchard Park HS, NY
78.00 Victor HS, NY

87.33 Eastridge HS (East Irondequoit), NY
86.82 Medina HS, NY

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: New York: New York State Field Band Conference, 
       Rotterdam (Mohonasen HS)
JUDGING BY: NY State Federation of Contest Judges

76.63 Johnstown HS, NY
63.33 Mahopac HS, NY
62.50 Mohawk HS, NY

78.25 Mohonasen HS (Rotterdam), NY

85.27 Port Chester HS, NY

83.73 Arlington HS (LaGrangeville), NY

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Ohio: Field Contest, Watkins Memorial

255.40 I��� Hamilton Local�(perc, guard, music, marching, GE)
242.15 I��� Logan Elm
224.20 II�� Licking Heights
208.50 II�� Madison Plains�(FC)
203.50 III� Federal Hocking
202.30 III� Heath
181.50 III� New Lexington
241.90 I��� Fairfield Union (music, marching, GE)
222.70 II�� Chillicothe (FC, guard)
207.50 II�� Delaware Hayes (perc)
265.90 I��� Pickerington (all captions)
228.55 II�� Olentangy
Music -�90.9 Pickerington
Marching�- 87 Pickerington
General Effect - 88 Pickerington
Percussion�- 8.9 Pickerington
Guard�- 90.5�Pickerington
Field Commander -�92 Pickerington
Grand Champion - 265.9 Pickerington
Thanks to Kevin Coons for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Oklahoma: Catoosa Tournament of Bands, 
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class 2A
70.05 Collinsville, OK
62.05 Roland, OK
48.55 Berryhill, OK
43.35 Kingfisher, OK

Class 3A
59.95 Coweta, OK
52.50 Ft. Gibson, OK
45.35 Stillwell, OK
38.15 Mannford, OK

Class 4A
60.85 Woodward. OK
54.10 Goddard, KS
52.60 Carl Albert, OK
49.60 Shawnee, OK
42.15 Harrah, OK

Class 5A
70.10 Edmond Memorial, OK
62.35 Tulsa Memorial, OK
62.20 Santa Fe - Edmond, OK
60.75 Van Buren, AR
59.30 Choctaw, OK
38.90 Will Rogers - Tulsa, OK

Class 6A
86.60 Broken Arrow, OK
80.05 Union, OK
78.50 Owasso, OK
75.95 Enid, OK
75.45 Moore, OK
72.20 Mustang, OK

Finals were cancelled due to poor field conditions and 
inclement weather. The Grand Champion and caption awards 
were based on scores from the preliminary competition.

High Music - Broken Arrow
High Visual - Broken Arrow
High Effect - Broken Arrow

Grand Champion - Broken Arrow

Thanks to [email protected] for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Cavalcade of Bands, 
       Plymouth Meeting (Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

79.20 Archbishop Wood HS (Warminster), Pa.
76.35 Wissahickon HS, Pa.

87.90 Methacton HS (Fairview Village), Pa.
85.50 West Chester East HS, Pa.
83.15 Souderton HS, Pa.
82.75 Harry S. Truman HS, Pa.
80.50 Upper Perkiomen HS, Pa.
74.25 Garnet Valley HS, Pa.

92.00 Upper Moreland HS, Pa.
79.30 Pennridge HS, Pa.

Colonial Middle School, Pa.
Boston University
Kutztown University

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Cavalcade of Bands, 
       Manheim (Manheim Twp. HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

83.80 Lancaster Catholic HS, Pa.
76.20 Eastern York HS, Pa.
76.05 Lebanon HS, Pa.
74.60 Palmyra HS, Pa.

87.25 Downingtown HS, Pa.
87.15 Spring Grove HS, Pa.
86.85 South Western HS, Pa.
86.50 Hatboro-Horsham HS, Pa.
84.80 Hempfield HS, Pa.
82.30 Governor Mifflin HS (Shillington), Pa.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Echoes in the Valley (USSBA), 
       Mechanicsburg (Cumberland Valley HS)

Group 1
64.5 Muncy HS

Group 2
74.1 Southern Garrett
72.5 Greencastle-Antrim
69.4 Bishop McDevitt

Group 3
77.2 Central Bucks West
75.3 Hershey
74.1 Blue Mountain
72.7 James Buchanan
68.6 South Hagerstown

Group 4
79.8 McLean

Group 5
84.3 North Penn (Music, Marching, Effect, Aux, Perc)
72.5 Parkville

Overall Best Band - North Penn

Thanks to Andrew Gekoskie for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Lakeshore Marching Band Association, 
       Wattsburg (Seneca HS)
JUDGING BY: PA Federation of Contest Judges

1 Fairview (Winds, Music, GE, Guard, Perc, Marching)
2 Strong Vincent
3 Sherman

1 Cochranton (Winds, Music, GE, Guard, Perc, Marching)
2 Youngsville
3 Union City

1 Iroquois (Music, GE, Perc, Marching)
2 North Tonawanda (Winds, Guard)
3 Brookville

1 Harborcreek (Winds, Music, GE, Guard, Perc, Visual)
2 General McLane

Thanks to Andrew Bajorek for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Tournament of Bands, 
       Aston (Sun Valley HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Asociation

66.65 Academy Park HS (Sharon Hills), Pa.

84.00 Haverford HS, Pa.
73.70 Chichester HS, Pa.

78.65 Ridley HS, Pa.
76.40 Concord HS, De.
75.10 Shawnee HS, NJ

84.00 Coatesville HS, Pa.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.
DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Tournament of Bands, 
       Mechanicsburg (Mechanicsburg HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
78.70 Camp Hill (Music,March,Aux)
76.35 Trinity (Perc)

Group 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
83.00 Susquehanna Twp. (Music,March,Perc,Aux)
74.75 Musselman HS

Group 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
81.95 Cedar Cliff (Music,March,Perc)
81.35 Middletown (PA)
80.40 East Pennsboro (Aux)
      Mechanicsburg (exhibition)

Group 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
88.65 Williamsport (PA) (Music,March,Aux)
85.05 Williamsport (MD) (Perc)
84.60 Urbana
83.20 York Suburban

Thanks to Dale Rider for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Tournament of Bands, 
       Somerset (Somerset HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
85.45 Central Martinsburg HS, Pa.
80.25 Northern Garrett HS (Accident), Md.
77.50 Westmar HS (Longaconing), Md.
77.05 Windber HS, Pa.
76.20 Westmont-Hilltop HS, Pa.
71.40 Bedford HS, Pa.

Group II
84.00 Central Cambria HS (Ebensburg), Pa.
80.10 Tyrone HS, Pa.
75.50 Elk County Christian HS (St. Mary's), Pa.
74.50 Conemaugh Township HS (Davidsville), Pa.

Group III
88.85 Allegany HS, Md.
83.60 Elizabeth-Forward HS, Pa.
77.10 DuBois HS, Pa.

Group IV
81.80 Keyser HS, W Va.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Tournament of Bands, 
       Sunbury (Shikellamy HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
79.30 Cocalico HS (Denver), Pa.
76.90 Loyalsock HS (Williamsport), Pa.
74.85 Halifax HS, Pa.
73.40 Bald Eagle-Nittany HS (Mill Hall), Pa.
68.86 Lourdes Regional HS (Shamokin), Pa.

Group II
82.20 Huntingson HS, Pa.

Group III
84.20 Mifflinburg HS, Pa.
83.50 Bellwood-Antis HS, Pa.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Pennsylvania: Tournament of Bands, Lackawanna 
       County Stadium, Swiftwater (Pocono Mountain HS)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Asociation

83.85 Pittston Area HS, Pa. (Music,DM,Aux)
82.50 Norrwistown Area HS, Pa.
76.70 Dallas HS, Pa. (Perc)
75.45 Cedar Crest HS, Pa.
73.50 Hanover Area HS, Pa.
72.00 Catasauqua HS, Pa.

86.30 Lake Lehman HS (Lehman), Pa. (Music,Perc,DM,Aux)
78.80 Northern Lehigh HS, Pa.
78.75 Whitehall HS, Pa.
73.80 Jersey Shore HS, Pa.

87.35 Nazareth HS, Pa. (Music,Perc)
85.00 Wilson HS, Pa. (Aux)
82.80 Montrose Area HS, Pa.
77.80 Wyoming Area HS (Exeter), Pa.
77.50 Lackawanna Trail HS (Factoryville), Pa. (DM)
75.15 Vestal HS, NY
74.95 Blue Ridge HS (New Milford), Pa.

77.55 Shamokin HS, Pa. (Music,Perc)
76.80 Berwick HS, Pa. (DM,Aux)

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong and Dale Rider for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: South Dakota: Festival of Bands, 
       Sioux Falls
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

CLASS A  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
73.45 Adrian 
69.10 McCook Central
64.95 Armour
61.70 Boyden-Hull
50.50 Plankinton
48.20 Marion

CLASS AA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
84.75 Luverne
80.15 MOC-Floyd Valley
79.15 Spirit Lake
65.05 Tracy Area
61.10 Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn
59.75 Dell Rapids Public
59.40 Murray County

CLASS AAA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
87.65 Waseca
84.15 Brandon Valley
82.85 Pipestone-Jasper
58.75 Lennox

CLASS AAAA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
88.40 Grand Rapids
84.05 Bellevue East
74.60 Brookings
71.75 Sioux City West
70.40 Mitchell

The top 10 bands from the afternoon field prelims
advanced to the evening field finals contest.

OPEN CLASS FINALS  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
90.20 Waseca, MN
87.90 Grand Rapids, MN
83.75 Pipestone-Jasper, MN
80.90 Marshall, MN
80.75 Bellevue East, NE
80.50 Millard West, NE
79.85 Brandon Valley, SD
79.20 Sioux City North, IA
78.20 Luverne, MN
75.20 Madison, SD

PERCUSSION - Bellevue East, NE
GUARD - Waseca, MN
HORNS - Waseca, MN
DRUM MAJORS - Grand Rapids, MN
SPIRIT - Madison, SD

Thanks to Jim Smith for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Tennessee: A Bradley Classic, 
       Cleveland (Bradley County HS)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A
1 East Ridge (Perc, Guard, GE, M&M, Music)
2 Alcoa (DM)

Class AA
1 Giles (DM, Perc, Guard, GE, M&M)
2 Greenbrier
Music - William Blount

Class AAA
1 Mt. Juliet (All Captions)

Class AAAA
1 Ooltewah (GE, M&M, Music)
2 Cleveland (Perc)
DM - Powell
Guard - Soddy Daisy

Small Class
Grand Champion - Giles 
2 Greenbrier 
3 William Blount 
4 East Ridge
5 Alcoa

Large Class
Grand Champion-Ooltewah
2 Cleveland
3 Soddy Daisy
4 Mt. Juliet
5 Powell

Thanks to Will Robertson for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Tennessee: Mid-South Marching Band Invitational, 
       Clarksville (Austin Peay State University)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

1 Franklin HS (AAAA Champion, Grand Champion)
2 Tullahoma HS
3 White House HS (AA Champions, Small Div Grand Champion)
4 Lavergne HS
5 Humbolt HS (AAA Champion)
6 Brentwood HS (Guard, Drums, DM - Large Division)
7 Hendersonville HS
8 Antioch HS
9 Hunter's Lane HS (Guard - Small Division)
10 Ripley HS 
11 Northwest HS (A Champion)
12 Harpeth HS (Drums - Small Division)

Thanks to Dave Taylor for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Tennessee: Jim Godsey Memorial Symphony of Sound, 
       19th Annual Dyersburg Marching Band Contest, 
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

88 Dyer County 
87 Covington
86 West Carroll

White Class
86 West Carroll (DM, Guard)
82 Hollow-Rock / Bruceton (Woodwinds)
77 Horn Lake, MS (Perc)

Blue Class 
88 Dyer Co. (Brass)
87 Covington
82 McNairy Central

95 Munford
94 Marion, AR
79 Chester County

Silver Class
79 Chester Co.
72 Independence, MS

Gold Class
95 Munford (DM, Guard, Perc, Brass)
94 Marion, AR (Woodwinds)

Mississippi Trophy - Horn Lake
Tennessee Trophy - Munford
Missouri Trophy - Charleston
Arkansas Trophy - Marion

Godsey Cup Grand Champion - Munford

Thanks to Tony Hysmith for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Tennessee: Vanderbilt Marching Invitational,
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class D
88.16 DeKalb County
85.93 South Oldham, KY (Guard, Perc)
80.90 Evangelical Christian 
69.50 Page
59.08 Hillsboro

Class C
93.25 Harrison County, KY (Guard, Perc)
86.41 Muhlenberg North, KY
81.26 Smyrna
79.81 Russell County, KY
78.81 Lewis County (DM)
72.25 Glencliff

Class B
88.03 Beavercreek, OH (Guard, Perc, DM)
87.25 Jackson Central Merry
82.88 Henderson County, KY
79.03 Dickson County
78.56 South Doyle
77.98 Muscle Shoals, AL
74.13 Hueytown, AL

Class A
94.69 McGavock
93.38 Columbia Central (Guard)
93.38 John Overton (Perc, DM)
90.73 Centennial
85.90 Marshall County, KY

Most Entertaining Band: Harrison County
Most Spirited Boosters: DeKalb County
Grand Champion (Small Div):  Harrison County
Grand Champion (Large Div):  McGavock

Thanks to Gerald Johnson and Susan Scharber for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Texas: Drums Along The Medina, 
       San Antonio (Southwest HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

81.7 Crystal City (Horn Line)
81.2 S.A. Burbank (Perc)
80.4 Boerne (DM, Guard)
76.2 Uvalde 
74.4 Harlandale (Marching)
72.7 S.A. Kennedy  
62.7 Medina Valley 

94.1 S.A. Churchill (Marching, Music, Guard, DM)
91.3 S.A. Holmes (Perc)
85.3 Del Rio 
82.5 S.A. O'Connor 
82.0 S.A. Jay 
81.6 S.A. Brackenridge
76.5 S.A. Jefferson 
64.7 S.A. East Central

Thanks to Bill Gremillion for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Texas: Rocket Review, San Antonio 
       (Judson HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

1 New Braunfels
2 Seguin (DM)
3 Robert E. Lee (Perc, Guard)
1 Samuel Clemens
2 Smithson Valley
3 Floresville

1 Carrizo Springs
2 La Vernia
3 Bandera

1 Randolph
2 Johnson City (Guard)
3 Central Catholic (Perc, DM)

Thanks to Bill Gremillion for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Virginia: Oakton Classic, 
       Vienna (Oakton HS)
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

Class A
76.60 Chopticon (Guard, Perc)
68.00 Loundoun
66.60 Falls Church (DM)
62.80 Thomas Edison

Class AA
79.20 Potomac (DM)
75.80 Monacan (Guard)
74.60 Yorktown
73.70 Jeb Stuart
72.20 Floyd E. Kellam
71.80 Powhatan (Perc)
62.40 Stonewall Jackson

Class AAA
90.20 Fairfax (DM, Guard, Perc)
68.60 Parkview

Class AAAA
90.40 Lake Braddock (Perc)
89.60 Madison (Guard, DM)
77.80 Hayfield
76.80 Marshall
71.20 West Springfield
67.00 West Potomac

Thanks to Paul Martin for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Virginia: USSBA Virginia Beach Regional,
       Kempsville HS
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

72.90 First Colonial HS, Va. 
63.90 Windsor HS, NJ

67.90 Bayside HS

69.40 Northampton HS

78.50 Tarboro HS
74.60 Salem HS (Virginia Beach), Va.
71.80 Ocean Lakes HS
69.50 Green Run HS

81.60 Princess Anne HS, Va.
74.70 Churchland HS, Va.
72.70 Western Branch HS

81.80 Thomas Jefferson HS (Alexandria), Va.
83.30 W. T. Woodson HS, Va.
82.80 Hickory HS

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: West Virginia: Bands of America Regional, 
       Morgantown (West Virginia University)

Class A
81.70 Bellbrook (Music, Visual, GE)
72.75 Paden City
66.90 Boyle County
64.35 Toronto
64.00 Deer Lakes
62.55 Mars Area
58.90 Marlington
58.25 Waterford
57.05 Beaver Area
Class AA
85.75 Kiski Area (Music, Visual, GE)
81.85 Marietta
77.65 Trinity��
71.80 Gateway Sr.
71.60 Red Land
65.80 West Allegheny
63.70 Bradford Area
63.65 Lakeland
62.75 Carroll
60.20 Erie Central
58.35 Blackhawk
51.15 Chaminade-Julienne
Class AAA
88.00 Centerville (Music, GE)
87.40 Webster (Visual-tie)
84.95 Norwin (Visual-tie)
81.65 Westerville South
74.50 Wheeling Park
68.30 Robinson Secondary School
49.00 Valley Forge
86.20 Centerville (OH) (GE)
85.35 Kiski Area (PA) (Music)
85.15 Webster (NY) (Visual)
83.65 Norwin (PA)
76.55 Marietta (OH)
70.90 Westerville South (OH)
69.70 Bellbrook (OH)
68.80 Trinity (PA)
66.10 Wheeling Park (WV)
63.85 Paden City (WV)

Thanks to Quincy Nguyen for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: West Virginia: Tournament of Bands, 
       Elkins (Mountain State Forest Festival)
JUDGING BY: National Judges Association

Group I
80.60 Shady Spring HS, W Va.
72.50 Hundred HS, W Va.

Group II
80.45 Corry HS, Pa.
80.40 Woodrow Wilson HS, Va.
80.00 St. Albans HS, W Va.
78.40 Philip Barbour HS (Phillipi), W Va.
74.40 Pocohontas County HS, W Va.
73.80 Petersburg HS, Pa.
73.05 Calhoun County HS, W Va.
71.25 Tygarts Valley HS, W Va.

Thanks to Jonathan Armstrong for this information.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 1998
EVENT: Wisconsin: Music In Motion, 
       Schofield (D.C. Everest HS)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

CLASS A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
54.4 Cumberland (Guard)
45.4 Palmyra-Eagle
45.4 Marathon

CLASS AA/AAA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
62.5 Cudahy
59.0 Sauk Prairie
57.4 Menomomie

CLASS AAAA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
73.9 Cadets of Waukesha West (Percussion)
72.4 Merrill (Drum Major)
67.2 Chippewa Falls
64.3 Wausau East
58.5 Goodrich

Thanks to Rick Kirby for this information.

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