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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Wednesday, August 12, 1998
EVENT: Indiana: Indiana State Fair Band Day, 
JUDGING BY: Central States Judging Association

89.80 Franklin Central (Marching-tie, General Effect)
89.05 Winchester (Music, Marching-tie)
85.10 Jay County
77.70 Anderson
75.00 Muncie Southside
71.85 Indian Creek
70.60 Centerville
70.20 Fountain City Northeastern
68.80 Pike
64.60 Delta
63.95 Hagerstown
62.60 Noblesville
62.55 Concord
60.80 Richmond
58.00 Wabash
55.90 Cowan

85.80 Franklin Central
84.65 Winchester
82.25 Jay County
73.55 Muncie Southside
72.85 Anderson
72.65 Centerville
68.70 Pike
65.65 Indian Creek
65.30 Richmond
65.05 Fountain City Northeastern
63.20 Concord
61.05 Delta
60.25 Hagerstown
57.60 Wabash
56.70 Noblesville
54.45 Cowan
53.50 Union County
51.50 Paul Harding
49.60 Knightstown
47.40 Lapel
45.65 Union City
44.85 Frankton
44.50 Southmont
40.40 Fountain Central
39.85 Cloverdale
38.80 Crawfordsville
38.35 Westview

Caption Awards for Large Bands:
Music - Franklin Central
Marching - Franklin Central
General Effect - Franklin Central
Percussion - Franklin Central
Guard - Pike

Caption Awards for Small Bands:
Music - Winchester
Marching - Winchester
General Effect - Winchester
Percussion - Winchester
Guard - Frankton

Thanks to David Holscher for this information.

DATE: Saturday, August 29, 1998
EVENT: Kentucky: Bluegrass Invitational Band Contest, 
       Nicholasville (West Jessamine HS)
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

Class A
1. Pleasure Ridge Park (Guard, Perc)
2. Westmoreland,TN (DM)
3. Danville

Class AA
1. Pulaski County (All captions)

Class AAA
1. Harrison County (All captions)
2. South Laurel

Reserve Grand Champion: Pleasure Ridge Park
Grand Champion: Harrison County

Thanks to Gerald Johnson for this information.

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