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Events & Scores: The Marching Band Event Registry

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These archived pages are kept online as a service to marching band fans seeking historical marching band contest scores. Visit the Events section for current year event information.

DATE: Saturday, December 6, 1997
EVENT: California: Antelope Valley Field Tournament and 
       Band Review, Lancaster

DRUM MAJORS MILITARY  - - - - - - - - - - - - -
85.00 Rowland
83.00 Temple City
78.00 Quartz Hill

DRUM MAJORS MACE  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
85.50 Burbank
84.00 Armijo
83.00 Burroughs

AUXILIARY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class C
81.45 Valencia
71.60 Armijo
69.00 Lancaster

Class B
87.5 Littlerock
77.5 Don Lugo
69.0 Quartz Hill

Class A
88.20 Rowland
82.50 Temple City
81.65 Burbank

BANDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class C
83.70 Valencia
82.20 Armijo
78.75 Lancaster

Class B
87.65 Don Lugo
86.10 Quartz Hill
84.50 Palmdale

Class A
92.30 Burbank
92.00 Rowland
91.75 Temple City

Drill Team - 92.1 Temple City
Drum Major - 87 Moorpark (Michelle Schlatter, Mace)
Auxiliary - 90.45 Moorpark
Music - 463.5 Moorpark
Band - 92.75 Moorpark

(Due to rain, event was held in gymnasium and only 
music was scored for bands)

PERCUSSION  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class C
63.5 Burroughs
59.0 Littlerock
56.5 Armijo
55.1 Alemany
50.9 Lancaster

Class B
68.0 Highland
66.5 Redlands
52.1 Don Lugo

Class A
69.0 Moorpark
65.0 Quartz Hill

Open Class
64.0 Rowland

GUARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class C
73.5 Littlerock
70.0 Alemany
69.2 Burroughs

Class B
79.1 Redlands
71.4 Don Lugo
69.6 Armijo
68.8 Highland

Class A
73.1 Palmdale
72.7 Moorpark
68.4 Quartz Hill

BANDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Music only.  450 Points total)
Class C
349.0 Burroughs
328.3 Alemany
328.0 Littlerock
309.3 Lancaster
308.7 Armijo

Class B
346.0 Highland
343.3 Don Lugo
329.3 Redlands

Class A
345.3 Palmdale
337.7 Quartz Hill
336.7 Moorpark

Drill Team - 88.7 Rowland
Guard - 79.9 Rowland
Percussion - 72.0 Palmdale
Band (Music) - 349.7 Rowland

Thanks to Leadkatt for this information.

DATE: Saturday, December 13, 1997
EVENT: California: Invitational Field Show, 
       Palm Springs High School
JUDGING BY: Not Specified

CLASS A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
72.70 Madison
69.76 Mar Vista
64.40 Kennedy
54.30 Duarte

Color Guard
75.90 Madison
62.60 Mar Vista

81.70 Mar Vista
79.20 Madison
78.80 Kennedy

CLASS AA  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
72.67 Paramount
72.60 Century
71.63 Bishop Amat

Color Guard
68.20 Paramount
66.20 Century
60.20 Bishop Amat

74.50 Bishop Amat
74.40 Century
71.60 Paramount

CLASS AAA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
78.56 Saddleback
74.23 San Marcos
73.20 Capistrano Valley
73.06 Troy
72.00 La Quinta

Color Guard
77.40 Saddleback
76.80 San Marcos
75.00 Capistrano Valley

85.70 San Marcos
84.80 Saddleback
82.20 La Quinta

CLASS AAAA/OPEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
87.56 Nogales
86.16 La Puente
85.50 Charter Oak

Color Guard
96.20 Etiwanda
87.50 Nogales
80.80 La Puente

95.50 Etiwanda
94.50 Nogales
94.10 La Puente

Overall Drill Team
74.50 Troy
73.00 Bishop Amat
71.50 Capistrano Valley

BAND: 96.96 Etiwanda
MUSIC: 435.00 Etiwanda
GENERAL EFFECT: 338.33 Etiwanda

Thanks to Teresa for this information.

DATE: Saturday, December 13, 1997
EVENT: California: Battle Of The Bands, 
       Santa Barbara High School

Band Sweepstakes: Newbury Park
Guard Sweepstakes: Newbury Park
Music Sweepstakes: Newbury Park
Percussion Sweepstakes: Bishop Montgomery

DRILL TEAMS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
81.7 Garfield

PERCUSSION  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
85.4 Granada Hills
81.8 Dos Pueblos
81.1 Westlake
79.9 Westminster
78.8 Moorpark
78.5 Garfield
72.7 East Bakersfield
70.5 Oxnard

GUARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class AAA
74.8 Oxnard
73.1 Moorpark
71.8 Westminster
70.8 Dos Pueblos
70.0 Westlake
67.1 East Bakersfield

Open Class
84.5 San Marcos
78.3 Garfield

BANDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Class AAA
75.45 Moorpark
75.05 Westminster
74.70 Dos Pueblos
73.45 Westlake
71.75 Oxnard
69.20 East Bakersfield

Open Class
81.80 San Marcos
75.65 Garfield

Band - 88.4 Granada Hills
Music - 393.0 San Marcos
Guard - 87.7 Granada Hills
Percussion - 85.8 San Marcos
Drill Team - 94.4 Granada Hills
Drum Major - Garfield

Thanks to Leadkatt for this information.

DATE: Monday, December 29, 1997
EVENT: Arizona: Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Arizona 
       Fiesta Bowl National Band Championship, Phoenix
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

OPEN CLASS  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
94.75 Union High School, Oklahoma
91.60 Jenison High School, Michigan
90.90 Sprayberry High School, Georgia
90.15 North Penn High School, Pennsylvania
89.87 Greenwood Community High School, Indiana
89.45 Lake Central High School, Indiana
87.10 Enid High School, Oklahoma
85.60 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Florida
84.80 Crestview High School, Florida
84.70 Tempe High School, Arizona

1 Greenwood Community High School, Indiana
2 Jenison High School, Michigan

1 North Penn High School, Pennsylvania
2 Lake Central High School, Indiana

1 Greenwood Community High School, Indiana
2 North Penn High School, Pennsylvania

1 Sprayberry High School, Georgia
2 Union High School, Oklahoma

1 Union High School, Oklahoma
2 Jenison High School, Michigan

1 Union High School, Oklahoma
2 Sprayberry High School, Georgia

North Penn High School, Pennsylvania

Thanks to Dick Stemple for this information.

DATE: Tuesday, December 30, 1997
EVENT: Arizona: MicroAge Fiesta Bowl Parade, Phoenix
JUDGING BY: Assembled Panel

SWEEPSTAKES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
93.75 Sprayberry High School, Georgia

CLASS A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
91.30 Union High School, Oklahoma
89.60 Lake Central High School, Indiana
86.85 Hoover High School, Alabama

CLASS B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
91.05 Jenison High School, Michigan
89.25 Greenwood Community High School, Indiana
86.70 Enid High School, Oklahoma

PARTICIPATION AWARDS  - - - - - - - - - - -
82.80 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Florida
81.25 Crestview High School, Florida
80.80 Tempe High School, Arizona
80.45 Jupiter High School, Florida
80.30 Atlantic High School, Florida
80.05 Gibson County High School, Tennessee
78.625 Reidland High School, Kentucky
76.80 Freedom High School, Pennsylvania
74.70 Salem High School, New Hampshire
74.00 Fort Dodge High School, Iowa

EXHIBITION  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Thomas Jefferson High School, Minnesota

85.00 Lake Central High School, Indiana
84.50 Union High School, Oklahoma

38.00 Sprayberry High School, Georgia
36.70 Union High School, Oklahoma

27.15 Sprayberry High School, Georgia
27.15 Lake Central High School, Indiana

28.60 Sprayberry High School, Georgia
28.50 Union High School, Oklahoma

Thanks to Dick Stemple for this information.

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