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2012 WAMSB World Championships Photos - Parade Band Contest
(July 9, 2012, Calgary, Alberta) For the World Association of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB) Parade Band Contest, bands marched a prescribed "street" course marked with cones on the field of McMahon Stadium in Calgary.
Fanfarenzug Potsdam (Germany) displayed amazing precision and scored 92.0 to earn the title of 2012 Parade Band Champion. Helsingør Pigegarde (Denmark) was runner-up with 85.7,
and Linkoping Youth Concert & Marching Band (Sweden) placed third with 82.8. All of the bands are pictured here in order of appearance along with highlights from the awards ceremony.
Also see WAMSB Prelims #1 photos and WAMSB Prelims #2 photos.