SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (Dec. 26, 2011) Marching bands from six states, giant balloons and colorful floats are among the highlights of
the 41st Annual Fort McDowell
Fiesta Bowl Parade presented by Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation.
The parade travels through central Phoenix begining at 11:00 AM (Mountain) on Saturday, December 31.

Arizona Diamondbacks manager Kirk Gibson will serve as the grand marshal. Marching bands representing the teams playing in the Fiesta Bowl football game
Oklahoma State and Stanford will also participate.
Curbside seating along the parade route is free to the public. Reserved seating in several locations along the parade route is available
for $15-$25 through the Fiesta Bowl Ticket Office at 480-350-0911 or by visiting
The Fiesta Bowl Parade will be broadcast live in the Phoenix area on ABC 15, and can also be viewed live online at
The complete 2011-2012 Fiesta Bowl Parade lineup in order of appearance is shown below.
2011-2012 Fiesta Bowl Parade Order
Lineup subject to change
- Fort McDowell Veterans Association Honor Guard
- Disney On Ice presents Disney/Pixar's Toy Story 3
- Balloon: Fiesta Bowl: Spirit
- Fiesta Bowl Family: Founders, Board of Directors, Committee, Ambassadors, Volunteers
- Band: Lakeville North High School, Lakeville, Minnesota
- Grand Marshal: Kirk Gibson and Family
- Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation President: Dr. Clinton Pattea
- Balloon: Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation: 4 Sphere Balloons
- Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Tribal Councilmembers: Pansy Thomas, Ruben Balderas, Bernadine Burnette, Pamela Mott, Paul Russell
- Band: Oklahoma State University Cowboy Marching Band, Stillwater, Oklahoma
- Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Fire Department
- Balloon: Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation: Cradle Baby
- Fort McDowell Veterans Association Elders
- Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Adventures: Tribal Royalty
- Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
- Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation News Chopper
- Band: Kingman High School, Kingman, Arizona
- Balloon: Fort McDowell: Traditional Doll
- Sun City Poms
- Arizona Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association
- Band: Mountain View High School, Mesa, Arizona
- US Naval Sea Cadet Corp with the replica of the USS Arizona
- Hashknife Pony Express
- City of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon
- Folklorico Lindo y Querido
- Balloon: Tostitos: Chip Bag
- Band: Stanford University Marching Band, Palo Alto, California
- Fiesta Bowl Committee Chair: Tyler Hanson
- Caribbean Zone
- Balloon: CDW: Cowboy
- Band: Cuyahoga Falls High School, Akron, Ohio
- Fiesta Bowl Chair of the Year: Dan Laux
- Balloon: Culver's: Ice Cream Sundae
- Band: Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band
- Fiesta Bowl Volunteer of the Year: Chris Ellis
- Balloon: Phoenix Sky Harbor: Amelia the Airplane
- Band: Riverside King High School, Riverside, California
- Snell Volunteer Lifetime Achievement: Sue Black
- Wild Women of the West
- Fiesta Bowl Rookie of the Year: Andrew Shultz
- Fiesta Bowl Queen & Court
- Fiesta Bowl Mascot: Spirit
- Bill Williams Mountain Men
- University of Arizona Cheerleaders
- Balloon: Donate Life Logo
- 501st Legion, with the Rebel Legion, R2 Builders and the Mandalorian Mercs
- Parade Co-Chair: Gregg Maby
- Parade Co-Chair: Ed Tobin
- MCSO Mounted Posse
- Maricopa County Sheriff: Joe Arpaio
- City of Maricopa Police Department Honor Guard
- Wells Fargo Stagecoach and Teacher of the Year
- Balloon: St. Joseph's Hospital: Nancy the Nurse
- Rickie Fowler
- Band: Gadsden Elementary School District #32
- Stars and Stripes Volunteer Fire Department
- NASA Astronauts: Richard "Rick" A. Mastracchio, Alan G. Poindexter, Clayton "Clay" C. Anderson, James "Jim" P. Dutton
- Balloon: Farmer's Insurance Car
- Band: Fiesta Bowl Play it Again Band presented by AAA
- Fiesta Bowl Twirl-Pom-Cheer-Flag and Dance Champions
- Phoenix Mayor Elect: Greg Stanton
- Arizona Twirling Athletes
- BestIT Race Car
- Balloon: BestIT: Cactus
- US Marines Color Guard
- Semper Fidelis All American Bowl
- Horizon Spirit Line
- Balloon: APS: Cake
- APS Volunteer Clown Troupe
- I AM Ranch
- Balloon: APS: State Flag
- Band: Sandra Day O'Connor High School, Phoenix, Arizona
- Arizona Avengers introducing the Justice League of Arizona
- Desert Jewel Gypsy Horses
- ABC15 Mornings Team
- ABC15 "Smart Shopper" Daphne Munro
- Band: Corona del Sol Steel Band
- Phoeniquera Classics
- Balloon: Vegas.Com: Vegas Arrow
- Folklor Y Cultura Mexicana
- Payson Forest Ranger District
- Grand Canyon University
- Band: Chino High School, Chino, California
- Balloon: Native New Yorker: Chicken & Bull
- Arizona Ghostbusters
- POW/MIA/KIA Honor Guard
- The Sunsationals
- Arabian Horse Association
- Balloon: Sleep America
- Band: Hamilton High School, Chandler, Arizona
- Buffalo Soldiers of America
- Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station Honor Guard
- US Marshal's Posse
- Arizona High Bike Riders
- Fighter Country Partnership with Luke AFB Soldiers
- Balloon: Fighter Country Partnership: US Flag
- Band: Mahomet-Seymour High School, Mahomet, Illinois
- El Zaribah Shrine
- Balloon: Arizona Milk Producers: Milk Jug
- Arizona Milk Producers: Half-Pint Judges
Related stories:
Featured Event Profile: Fiesta Bowl Parade and Band Championship
Source material and logo courtesy of the Fiesta Bowl.
Copyright 2011 All rights reserved. This material may not be published or redistributed without permission.
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