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25th Annual

Honolulu Festival—
Parade of Bands

Honolulu, Hawaii

Sunday, March 10, 2019
4:30 PM

Honolulu Festival Parade of Bands Photo
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For More Information


Email: Byron Nagasako, Band Coordinator

Mail: Parade of Bands
PO Box 30789
Honolulu, HI 96820

Phone: 1-800-366-7486

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Home > Featured Events > Honolulu Festival Parade of Bands
Honolulu Festival Parade of Bands Logo The 25th Annual Honolulu Festival—Parade of Bands® will be held on Sunday, March 10, 2019. The parade is the highlight of the three-day Honolulu Festival which is the premier cultural event in Hawaii.

The grand parade is held on the last day of the weekend. The parade features marching bands, drum & bugle corps, color guards, cheer and dance teams, thousands of performers, and world-class floats. Bands from Hawaii, the United States mainland and foreign countries are invited to participate and compete for the unique trophies that will be awarded to the best performing groups.

Honolulu Festival Parade of Bands Photos More than 40,000 spectators line the parade route which begins at Ft. DeRussy, passes through Waikiki and ends at Kapiolani Park. This parade is currently considered the best parade in the State of Hawaii.

The Honolulu Festival and the Parade of Bands® are separate companies and are not affiliated in any way.

Past Participants

Marching units that have recently performed in the Honolulu Festival Parade of Bands include:
  • Ballet Gran Ensamble, Mexico
  • Burwood Girls High School Marching Band, Australia
  • Fairmont Prep Academy Band, California
  • Hellgate High School Band, Montana
  • Hempfield High School Marching Band, Pennsylvania
  • Kansai Gakusei Suisougaku, Japan
  • Kapolei High School Marching Band, Hawaii
  • Kinki University Band, Japan
  • Leones Tigres Marching Band, Mexico
  • Mililani High School Marching Band, Hawaii
  • Nanakuli High School Marching Band, Hawaii
  • Pacific Fleet Marching Band, Hawaii
  • Pearl City High School Marching Band, Hawaii
  • Royal Hawaiian Band, Hawaii
  • Salinas High School Marching Band, California
  • Sanyo Girls High School Marching Band, Japan
  • Toby Johnson Middle School Band, California
  • Tokyo Jitsugyo High School Phoenix Regiment, Japan
  • Waipahu High School Marching Band, Hawaii

Related Events

Bands participating in the Honolulu Festival Parade of Bands may wish to take advantage of additional performance opportunities during the same weekend:
  • Hawaii Band & Orchestra Festival®Two festivals in 2019: Saturday, March 9, 2019 and April 6, 2019. Festival adjudicators will judge all performances and each group will be rated. Private workshops will be offered to participating groups.
  • Hawaii Choral Festival®Two festivals in 2019: Saturday, March 9, 2019 and April 6, 2019. Groups from the U.S. Mainland, Canada, Europe, Asia and Hawaii are invited. All performances will be adjudicated and rated. A mass performance will conclude the festival.

Future Dates

Sunday, March 10, 2019

For More Information


Email: Byron Nagasako, Band Coordinator
Mail: Parade of Bands, PO Box 30789, Honolulu, HI 96820
Phone: 1-800-366-7486

Honolulu Festival Parade of Bands Highlights Video

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